We are the Device

We are the Device
click on the image to view the video


Mark Niehus, film-maker, writer, Australia


We Are The Device is a poetry film that offers an impressionistic glimpse into a future where shifting privacy standards have gone unchecked to the point that it undermines one's principles of privacy. The hope is that the film may prompt reflection on the rising concerns about privacy in the digital world.

The film shows our citizen going about his daily business, finding it progressively difficult to navigate a world that is increasingly driven by commercial interest into how we live. Visual stimulation reduces imagination and promotes impulsive distraction. He is the target of the digital infrastructure designed to collect and extract information that is used by interested parties to manipulate his choices.

The device has become omnipresent, unseen, every aspect of our protagonist is being monitored to the point where even his walk becomes an algorithm. It is a dark perspective hung on a menacing soundscape.


We are the device.
We know you.
We know your movements.
We collect your data
to feed our next decision.
Your habits are of interest
and your speech is our business.

We are the device.
We know you.
We know your movements.
Privacy is an invisible agreement
made by impatience.
Please prove that
you are not a robot.

We are the device.
We know you.
We know your movements.
We make the images
designed to distract your focus.
Free will is our next target.

We are the device.

Mark Niehus on the project

I write quickly and instinctively, allowing an interplay between my subconscious and conscious mind until the narrative appears. Writing for me is a very visual experience resulting in vivid imagery which easily translates to film, giving the poem another life beyond the page and providing another layer for me to guide the audience's interpretation of the text. Composing music for my films ties these two elements together, creating a mood that reflects the world in which the poem lives. My work often explores the human experience and the friction between ideals and the status quo. I have an intimate relationship with my art, I measure myself against it and I strive to narrow the space between me and it.

Mark Niehus
Mark Niehus


Screened at 'Outside Light', Adelaide Fringe, Australia, 2019.


Mark Niehus is a poet and artist who combines his poetry with digital art, video and music to create outcomes that capture and expand the mood, rhythms and meaning of his writing. Always seeking to discover new ways to apply his experimental ethos to engage audiences and push the boundaries of his art, Mark's work illuminates and transforms urban environments and internal spaces into captivating visual canvases and poetic soundscapes. After spending years abroad, travelling, studying creative writing and working as a new media designer in London, Mark returned to Australia to publish his first book of poems in 2008, and to focus his artistic practice to create high quality artworks integrated with his writing. Over the last 10 years Mark has conceived and delivered an array of poetry films, projection art, street art, illustrations, installations and composed spontaneous poems for the public on his typewriter for local government, arts organisations, festivals and numerous solo exhibitions.

To find out more about this film maker please visit:
For their contributions, advice and assistance, thanks to:
Alison Pridham, Aljaž Koprivnikar, Ari Raijas, Bill Mousoulis, Brendan Bonsack, Brian Short, Bronwen Manger, Caroline Rumley, Charles Olsen, Chris Luscri, Chris Windmill, Claudia Larose-Bell, Darko Duilo, Dave Bonta, David Quiles Guilló, Eduardo Yagüe, Fiona Tinwei Lam, Francesca Guiliani, Gemma Grist, Helen Dewbery, Ian Gibbins, Ivana Bojanić, Jackson, Jane Glennie, Jim Robson, Karen Dawson, Kathryn Darnell, James Meetze, Lino Mocerino, Liran Shachar, Lois P. Jones, Lori Ersolmaz, Lucia Sellars, Lucy English, Luigi Starace, Maria Vella, Marc Neys, Martin Kelly, Matt Hetherington, Matt Mullins, Mike Hoolboom, Nigel Wells, Pam Falkenberg, Paul Casey, R.W. Perkins, Sissy Doutsiou, Sylvia Toy St Louis, Vicky Mousoulis, the film-makers, writers and their collaborators.